123 – Tom Sisson of Cheetah Software Systems – Getting It There

Transportation routing, dispatching and tracking …

Tom Sisson 2 Tom Sisson (about), Director of Sales for Cheetah Software Systems (about) (a real time dynamic routing, dispatching, tracking and customer service tool) joins Rob Sanchez and Marc Raco on the floor of the Innovation Center of the 2016 ECommerce Show USA in Atlanta, GA.

Solutions, proud people, and London cabbies

Tom Sisson 1Sisson describes his customers and company mission, how it is possible to solve problems of routing and communication complexity, routing data from system and populate into an “editor”, considerations of street speed, travel time, service time, and optimizing routes for day. Turning hours into minutes to build routing for day, fleets of 75-100, the ability to route the way one routes today, the “proud people” of route planners like London cabbies, dealing with a union environment, and being able to run routes as preferred.

The old way, drones, and an emotional moment

Routing considerations for small business and startup solutions, the history of streets and trips, push-to-talks, big boards, zip codes, maps, and pins. Drones, picking the right vehicles, the value of partnership, logistical issues for Cheetah, a teachable moment, RFIDs, and bar code scanning.

Off the Grid Questions reveal a pick up truck, eight track tapes, and baseball, and gets emotional.


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