
224 – Dominic Citino and Jeff Cheal of Episerver – Seamlessly Unifying Content and Commerce

A platform that puts Digital Content, Commerce and Marketing in one screen, using artificial intelligence to personalize commerce experiences with minimal effort, and easily personalizing content and experiences…

EpiserverJeff Cheal (Product Evangelist, Director – Personalization, Campaign and Analytics Strategy) and Dominic Citino (Vice President, North American Partner Development) for Episerver join Rob Sanchez and Marc Raco on location at Valtech’s Innovation Lab during NRF 2018 in New York. Valtech is a global digital agency focused on business transformation. MouthMedia Network is Powered by Sennheiser.

In this episode:Episerver

  • How Episerver “leads the way in unifying commerce and content in one platform, and delivers personalized marketing and commerce campaigns everywhere”
  • How the best features and value-adds can get lost in the mix, and Episerver educates on products like personalization
  • Saying more good things about good products that usually get list in the mix
  • Episerver marketers looking for better and easier to use tools
  • The current state of the customer, and why the key word is “seamless”
  • Making online experience just like the in store experience, giving average everyday marketer tools to do that more simply
  • Best integrations, and seeking to see what online shopping drives to in storeEpiserver
  • Empowering marketers, leveling the playing field, helping them telling better stories
  • When companies are dealing with the complexity of navigating changes with previous existing services/partners, and how an integrated approach means they never have to have those conversations
  • Rarely is the full Episerver service bought and implemented for everything on day one, and being pragmatic about integration
  • The growth and predominance the democratization the cloud provides
  • Talking to clients about outcomes
  • Why a cloud based CMS allows a company to spin up new sites quickly
  • How Episerver is working as a true partner with clients, unlocking the most value out of it for their business, providing education, helping people finding the easiest way to start quickly with accelerator packages, including some consulting and group settings, A/B testing etc.
  • Personal questions cover The Wiggles, tchotchkes from every airport, saving the big piece of meat for dad, a focus on family meals together, and so much cheese and pasta at every meal

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