161 – Vikrum Aiyer the Former Chief of Staff of USPTO – Getting Real about the Future of Innovation and IoT in America

The future of the Internet of Things…

Photo credit: Tim Atakora

Vikrum Aiyer (bio) former Chief of Staff of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and former Senior Policy Advisor to the White House on Manufacturing and Innovation (Obama Administration), joins Pavan Bahl, Rob Sanchez, Marc Raco and guest host Linda Drabik (IoT NY meetup Founder & Organizer and Co-Organizer of SF IoT Meetup) in front of a live audience at the Sennheiser pop up store in SoHo, NYC for “FIYB LIVE”.

Responsive retail, web connected devices, and overcoming a change of administration

Aiyer reflects on the changing nature of responsive retail and Intel’s recent $100M related initiative [Episode 160], and the key question for building out appropriate standards to engage in protecting data that this brings. The massive increase of web -connected devices and giant systems, how we should be empowered to find a solution together, the importance of protocol and standards and the role of the National Institute for Standards and Technology. A discussion of the implications of a change of administration, Aiyer’s interesting week after the change of administration at conference at consumer technology, potential changes due to new leadership, how career civil servants staying on in an administration allows for some continuity and tech is moving at blazing speed no matter who is in office. Considerations that the key is coordination, and making sure of more alignment for what everyone is doing in anticipation of a broader IoT policy, and that until instructed otherwise agencies will move forward.

Moving forward, spurring innovation, and patent quality

Photo credit: Tim Atakora

A focus on spurring innovation, making unlikely partnering arrangements with groups to encourage growth of innovation and entrepreneurship, and a hope for replication with new administration. Looking back at a hackathon at the Pentagon, USPTO publishing an IoT green paper, and approvals with FDA. Whether with firepower and momentum will investments in innovation and manufacturing continue, will the current president recognize IoT for best infrastructure, and a look at the impact on innovation and manufacturing due to repealing the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The signal and perception that the US is retreating from advancement and innovation and creating barriers due to new policies, and a threat to the modern environment. A look at the role of attaches at other foreign embassies who can act as business advocates, and where that fits in with new immigration policies and travel ban.

Seeing the interplay of advanced manufacturing inside of a new environment, how manufacturing is the essence of commerce and will continue to be invested in, and responses to policy vs. the ability to build fast enough. What the Administration’s view has been to engage the Open Source community, the need to tackle problems with patent trolls, and why patents lead to more litigation than innovation. Creating emphasis to patent quality, how Michelle Lee put emphasis on patent quality, and the need for an evolution of classification system as new innovations develop.

President Trump’s trademark request, a global shift, automation’s impact, and the vital need for education reform

Aiyer reveals how the USPTO prepares for transition of power and anticipates changes in policy. He reviews the many eyes and ears on how the development of a new technology will impact an industry, the must-have tools to navigate the environment, and that these patterns will persist. Why with President Trump trademark activity could increase, the global shift in commerce and trademark, copyrights on software-into-hardware integration, a spotlight on utility and design patents and other IP to protect due to data, how to account for copyright in the 21st century, a digital single market in EU, and why at a minimum pursue one should file a trademark. Trump’s own example of registering a trademark based on a verbal remark. Partnerships in R and D, and owning the IP. Why resources must be decentralized, a 50 state pro bono program, focus on the environment and TPP policy, innovations for clean energies and renewal technologies, the Keystone Pipeline, why an administration can’t come into office and pull out elements of the democratic process, including bureaucracy and feedback resources. Driverless cars, how automation can cause reduction in manufacturing jobs, and being prudent about responsibly training-up an industrial work force. Importance of education to operate technological innovations in existing industries. Why investment in education is vital to support future that nation needs, how the education system is resetting and responding despite many challenges, the need for higher regard and resources for teachers, creating ancillary educational opportunities for the next generation of tech, and new ways to do teaching.

Off the Grid Questions with a special edition “IoT Wheel of Grid Destiny” covers a broken arm leading to joining a debate team, talking back to parents, Destination Japan, and overcoming gaps being young and in charge in the nation’s capital.


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